Friday, August 6, 2010

Inspection(s), CHECK!

Matt and I had thought that it would be smooth sailing after we heard Ramsey say the words, "they accepted your offer; you got the house!"  The worst was over.  No more internet searches, late night drives, showings, or frustration because WE found the perfect house and it was going to be OURS.  Boy, were we wrong.  We, I really mean Matt, has been on the phone with our lender every day this week (I feel like I need to add him to our Christmas card list) trying to eliminate some of the many documents they need before we can move forward.  After much searching the file cabinets, Tupperware I had crammed in the back of the closet and both of our computer hard-drives, we finally finished the last thing on our list and are hoping to close early.  We once again, were on cloud nine thinking we really have this whole "house buying thing" down pat.  WRONG-O!  We underwent our inspection, you know, the really expensive one that makes you paranoid about every little thing, well, that's what happened to me.  We were e-mailed a copy of the inspection report to find a few, I say few, but really enough "needs attention" to fill eight pages.  Ramsey says that is pretty good since he just had a client's come in at thirty-five pages.  I'm counting my blessings after hearing that!  Well, these eight pages have had my full attention lately.  I've met with the plumber, roofer, foundation experts, and the builder to review the home and discuss how they were going to hook me up and straighten it all out.  I can say now, $542 later, that the house is in great shape and I am certainly not going to say that we have a handle on this process because I don't want to see how God will show me that I don't, but we are on schedule to close August 31st, hopefully early.  Prayers appreciated :)

One last thing before I head to bed... I have to give props to Matt.  He has really grabbed every challenge by the reigns and refused to get discouraged.  I am so thankful to have such an awesome husband fight to find me the perfect house to make into our first home <3

1 comment:

  1. You three have the best Pilot. He has promised to never allow anything, or anyone to ever snatch you out of His hands, AMEN !
    In His Love and Mine,
    MS BobbieW
