Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big News

After waiting for reports from the roofer, plumber, electrician and builder, we were finally able to submit our repairs to the seller.  After waiting for what has felt like forever, really 2 days, Ramsey called with the news that the seller is going to fix EVERYTHING!  Praise the Lord!  It was another dance party in the computer room.  Just as Matt was filling me in on his call with Ramsey, I receive this message from HGTV, "Hey Rachael, Just so you know, everyone on our end is on pins and needles.  The possibility of working on your story has brought some cheer to our group."  Talk about buzz kill.  They have been calling, and asking how we have been doing and if our offer somehow fell through.  If the seller hadn't agreed to fix everything, Matt and I were willing to walk away and find another home and if that had happened, they were going to come out and film the rest of our house hunting journey.  It is really a shame, but everything happens for a reason.  But on the bright side, we now have two spare bedrooms for guests, so book your vacation with us :)

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