Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Makin' Progress

I just wanted to throw out an update to you and bring you up to speed.  We were able to get everything together to close this Thursday.  Surprise, surprise, something came up we didn't know about.  It turns out we have to bring like, THOUSANDS of dollars to closing (when we negotiated them into the contract...).  Apparently in Texas, you have to pay 13 months of taxes in October and they decided to add them into our closing costs, UGH!  We're working on that and all I can say is "thank the Lord for my job!"  He has placed me at the right place at the right time, just like he always does.  I am in the middle of my first week of teaching Kindergarten and signing my life away after an eleven hour day is just a little much, so I told Matt he is in charge of moving us :) Aren't I sweet?  I'll help on the weekend, but since he wanted to do it so fast, he is in charge :)  It goes without saying that we need help packing.  If you love to pack dishes and see how much will fit into one vehicle and still have the truck shut, all in over 100 degree heat, come on down!  ha!  Please pray for us as we go through this exciting and stressful experience.  Hopefully the next post will have a picture of the keys to our new home. :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rachel and Matt,and Wheati,

    The excitement that lies ahead will be exausting, but well worth it! Each home I have lived in was always exciting to me when I first entered them.

    Then packing up to move when this home sells in Dexter, will be the same for me as it is for you and Matt. I am so happy for all your faith and happiness! !

    In His Love and Mine, MS BobbieW
