Sunday, July 18, 2010

Video Interview with HGTV, Check!

Wes, from HGTV, arrived around noon on Saturday and left shortly after two o'clock; it was an intense two hours.  Ramsey, our Realtor, was up first to bat and taught us how being on TV is done, not to mention having an audience of me, Matt, Aunt Chris, Jessie and Sarah (family in town from New Jersey).  I'm glad it's a rolling tape, and we could just start our answers over again.  I was on deck and asked the audience to "VACATE!"  My side of the interview went great, until they asked the question of my plan for if/when Matt gets deployed, a question I certainly wasn't expecting.  Having someone ask this question really made the possibility real, real scary that is.  Just the thought of it is devastating, but that doesn't pertain to our house hunt, so lets change the subject.  After I finished my interview, I found out that the audience had only moved to the hallway and had heard all of my answers!  Oh well, I guess if all of America has the possibility of hearing them, so should the people I'm closest to.  Matt was next on the chopping block and I was very verbal in helping him with his answers, "LAME!" or, "aw, how sweet!"  Jess and I had a good time trying to be quiet as we laughed at Matt in the other room.  After he answered every question perfectly with poise, we had our joint interview and our true personalities came out.  I felt good about the audition until Wes told me that he has already interviewed nine couples.  Talk about a buzz kill.  Of course I totally grilled Wes about the other couples and he finally answered:
Wes: "I think you guys have a good chance, you're young, energetic and have a good story."
Rae: "You probably say that to everyone."
Wes: "Yeah, something close to that, but I mean it with you guys."

After viewing many more listings on-line and late night drives to neighborhoods to see how they look when people are home, the quality of people in the area and we feel that we are another step closer to finding our perfect neighborhood.  We are touring some more homes with Ramsey tomorrow afternoon and we are so excited.  The home buying process has become more like another full-time job and is one that we are enjoying.  We'll update you as we find out more :)

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