Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hot Off The Press!

Well, I fell in love with a single-story very upgraded house that Matt was on the fence about and he fell in love with a two-story new construction house that I was on the fence about.  We put in an offer on my house, and it wasn't accepted; then put in an offer on Matt's and that wasn't accepted either.  Keep in mind that we are looking for an awesome house at a steal of a price and as Dad says, "stick to your guns."  We're keeping the motto, "love the price more than the house," and so far, we're doing great.
Since the house hunting experience began, the Savini family has made a tradition, nightly family drives.  We all pile into the car after the sun goes down, roll down the rear windows for Wheati, and program the GPS for at least three neighborhoods we're interested in.  We like to see what the neighbors are like and how the neighborhood changes once everyone is home.  Usually, these drives are depressing.  We find some don't have streetlights, and some have more on-street parking than you'd expect with everyone having a two-car garage or just isn't all we thought it would be.  And adding more stress is all of the construction in San Antonio which makes our GPS go crazy and we watch our arrival time climb higher and higher with each wrong turn.  Well, last night's drive with three U-turns, was worth it.  We came to a dead stop as the GPS says, "You have arrived."  We turn off the AC and roll down the front windows and stare at a beautiful house for sale, but not the one we set out to see.  I quickly wrote down the address we were parked at, and then we scooted down the street to find the one we actually set out to find.  We arrived home late, as usual, and tucked Wheati into bed and then we contacted Ramsey about the unexpected find and the home we were initially looking for.  Turns out the house the GPS brought us to would be a real steal for the neighborhood.  We set up a viewing for Saturday afternoon.  As we walked the grounds, for the first time, we both had the same feeling, "this could be it."  As we stood in the kitchen, Ramsey leaning on the island, Matt sitting on the counter and I propped up on the breakfast bar, we all were in agreement, for the first time, "this is a great house."  The property has great comps, a perfect record for renting, close to my school, shopping centers, and it's an easy commute for Matt.  We put in an offer and are hoping for an acceptance but realistically a counter.  We'll keep you posted! :)

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