Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Movin' Along Fast

The past twenty-four hours have been a complete whirl wind.  We were pre-approved for a loan with a 4.5% interest rate, and nailed down an awesome Realtor.  Ramsey has a lot of spunk and is ready to get us a great deal.  I received a phone call with a job offer to teach kindergarten up on the 1604 loop, which expands our searching area and to top it off, we were contacted by HGTV to be featured on their show, My First Place.

We have cruised through two hundred-fifty listings and have booked six showings, all in the north east district of San Antonio.  As of right now, we are loving the area of Converse, which puts me closer to work and gives Matt the longer commute, but after all, this was all his idea ;-)

We are continuing on this journey with Wheati's wishes at the top of our priority list and he may be the reason we get chosen to be featured on TV since the woman making the decisions is a Wheaten lover :)

1 comment:

  1. It's plain to see that Wheati steals everones heart ! !
