Monday, September 24, 2012


Back in elementary school, I can remember my teachers say, "today is a ketchup day."  I was always excited because that meant that we weren't going to do real work; but I never really understood.  Now that I am a little older, and am using the "ketchup day" idea in my own classroom, I get it.  It’s catch up, not ketchup.  It's a day to complete the unfinished, the neglected, and the forgotten.  Today is my catch up day.  Here is what's been happening in the Savini house, I supposed houses since we've relocated, in the past while.

Back in April, we got the word that we would be transferred from San Antonio, Texas to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.  Once we got past the shock and we were able to compose ourselves, we made a list.  The list had everything we needed to do before moving.  We slowly began to cross items off and the reality began to set in.  Our time in San Antonio was coming to a close.  A chapter was over.  Our time was up.  

First on the list was: put the house on the market.  After a bidding-war situation, we were under contract.  Crossing this item off the list directed us to item two: find a house in Missouri.  We saw a long weekend as the perfect opportunity to throw together a house hunt.  28 hours by car in 4 days, with an infant, not fun.  But we made it and found the house of our dreams.  Life was good.  We made the deposits, signed the documents, met the landlord; all was right in the world and I was living a dream.  Then we got a call saying our perfect house didn't want to be rented anymore, it wanted a real owner.  After many tears, phone calls to the owners, listing agent and our families; we decided to sign a longer lease with the option to buy this home.  We still haven't put in an offer as we are finding too many things we'd like to do it the house.  But it's an option we're keeping open.  We were back on track.

Our closing date came and went and still weren't moved out of the house. Living nightmare.  The new owners were polite enough to let us have the entire day to move and we needed until 11pm to clean out.  The Uhaul was packed and had the jeep loaded on a dolly behind.  Graham and I went to our friends' house where we would be permanent residents for the next month.  God bless Jenna and Leo Pacheco for putting up with us!  Meanwhile, Matt and Wheati hit the road.  When they arrived, some paid workers off craigslist (shady!) were waiting to help unload.  Three days later, Matt made the drive back to Texas to finish his last internship in San Antonio.  My mom and I met him on our way up to Missouri with Graham.  We stopped for a bite to eat at a crummy fast food stop and passed off Wheati and went back to driving in different directions.  As I watched Matt drive off in my rear view mirror, it became real; we're moving.  It should have hit me sooner but it didn't.  Pulling into the driveway to the new house I was filled with many different emotions: anticipation, anxiety, happiness, sadness, and fear, but I somehow knew it was right.  We were where God wanted us to be at this time in our life.  Two weeks went by and Matt finished his rotation and Mom and I had the house looking like home.  We headed back for Matt's Graduation.  Another 13 hour ride with big G.

As we drove to San Antonio, we had family on the east coast packing their suitcases for weather over 100 degrees.  Smiles were all around in anticipation to see Matt get his Doctorate.  Mom and Dad Walters, Mom Savini, Anth and Jess (Matt's oldest brother and wife) and Aunt Gerri (Matt's Mom's sister) all arrived and the party began.  Matt graduated, Graham was dedicated and then before we knew it flights were departing.  Family had to fly home and we were back on our way to Missouri, for the last time, this time.  Our time in San Antonio had expired.  Leaving was tough.  I cry just thinking about leaving our friends.  "God has plans for us.  Big plans."  I kept telling myself.

We have been in our new home for a month now.  I think we still left a few things behind in our San Antonio house, because they couldn't fit.  We're slowly realizing things are missing here.  Like the plunger.  

Graham will be 7 months on October 1st.  He is growing like a weed.  He is wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 shoes.  His head is huge; we make fun of him.  He laughs so hard you have to laugh too.  He is cutting teeth.  Everyone says how bad it is, and it is so true.  I want to cry too.  He is saying sounds like "mo," "ba," and precious ooos, cooo and ahh.  He is eating solid foods and can't get enough of them.  He yells at you if you're too slow at giving him his next bite or if you're multitasking.  He is adorable.  

Wheati has had 2 bacteria infections since we've been here, poor boy!  Needless to say we found a vet and she is fabulous!  He hates the vet office, but he loves the open grounds here at the house.  We have pups on both sides of us so he's on cloud nine.  We have a cool basement and tile floors he can't get enough of.  Now that the seasons have changed, he just lays on the deck and lets the wind blow his hair.  He looks like a dog model.  He's sick in the head, but we love him.
Matt is "in-processing."  His days are full of classes about the area, base rules, the dos and don'ts.  Most are silly but some are helpful.  He always comes home and tells me the best ones from the day.  He takes his big test at the end of October to become licensed.  He studies a lot.  He goofs off a lot. ;)  He is excited to be, what I call the "real deal" PT.  He also turned 30 last week!  We went out on a date; second one since Graham's arrival.  Our sitter is amazing.  She has agreed to quit her job and be our full-time nanny when I get a job.  She's perfect, right?!

I am staying at home with Graham and love every second of it.  I set my alarm for 8 am and when I walk into his room his head turns like an owl to see me and gives his big ol' grin and starts my day off right.   We have a great routine going.  Teething has really thrown a wrench in it, but we'll get back to it.  I'm looking for a teaching position but being in a small town, it is almost harder than the big cities.  Turn over is almost not existent.  God will open the door in His time.  I just have to be patient and not a control freak.  I have trouble giving things over. ;)

Now you're up to date!  Life is good.  God is great.  Keep us in your prayers.

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